February Newsletter

In This Issue: February 2022 Dark Chocolate & Eyesight Symptoms of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Meet Our General Ophthalmologists Dark Chocolate & Eyesight A study published in 2018 touted that eating dark chocolate (as opposed to milk chocolate) could improve certain aspects of your vision within 2 hours of consumption. Unfortunately, a year later researchers reported […]
Are There Symptoms With Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is a risk for anyone with diabetes. When blood sugar levels are high for a long time, the blood vessels in the retina can become cut off from the rest of the body. This causes the vessels to swell, leak, and become weak. When the retina suffers damaged, it can cause vision loss. […]
World Sight Day is October 8th

October 8th marks the 20th World Sight Day. This is an event held annually on the second Thursday in October by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, or IAPB. World Sight Day (WSD) is observed in countries all over the world. The goal of the day is to promote awareness and advocate for […]
What Cosmetic Surgery Is Right For Me?

As far as facial features go, your eyes are some of the most seen by others. When you’re not happy with the way your eyes look, it can start to affect your confidence. One of the biggest cosmetic issues people often have with their eyes is with their eyelids. Whether it’s due to a chronic […]
Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month, as recognized by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. There’s more than one component of healthy aging. Your mental and physical health is, of course, the main area of focus. But a big part of your physical health is dependent on your vision. There are several eye-related conditions that can come […]
How Often Should I See My Eye Doctor?

Routine medical exams are an important part of staying healthy. Like you should see your doctor for a physical every year and have your teeth cleaned every six years, you need regular eye exams. But how often do you need them? The answer depends on a few things. General Eye Exams Having a comprehensive eye […]
Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

In August, the American Academy of Ophthalmology observes Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. As the summer comes to an end and the school year begins, it’s important to make sure your child is healthy and safe. Besides yearly pediatrician’s appointments, it’s also a good time for an annual eye exam. If your child is […]
Should I Be Worried About Glaucoma?

Due to aging, there are a lot of changes our bodies go through, especially when it comes to our vision. Age also comes with an increased risk for a variety of eye conditions. While it’s never a guarantee that you’ll develop a condition, it’s something you should be aware of once you reach a certain […]
UV Safety Month

July is UV Safety Month. You should practice UV safety all year, but it’s especially important during the summer. Why? Because the primary source of UV radiation is sunlight. This is something that’s more abundant during the summer. Being aware of the dangers of UV radiation and how to protect yourself is of the utmost […]
Can I Be Too Young For Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts are often thought of as something that only older people will have. Though it’s true that the older you are, the more likely you are to have cataracts, cataracts can affect you at any age. Rarely, some people are even born with congenital cataracts. But even for cataracts associated with aging, being 40 or […]